My Favorite Thing 🎹(Electric Keyboard)

My Electric Piano/Keyboard An electric piano is a musical instrument that produces sounds when a performer presses the keys of a piano-style musical keyboard. Pressing keys causes mechanical hammers to strike metal strings, metal reeds, or wire tines, leading to vibrations that are converted into electrical signals by magnetic pickups, which are then connected to an instrument amplifier and loudspeaker to make a sound loud enough for the performer and the audience to hear. I received my keyboard at Christmas 2020 because that year I found a great hobby for music and I wanted to be able to practice it in my day to day. I mainly look for tutorial videos of the songs that I like the most at the moment and I try to memorize them so that I can replicate them when I can. I use it almost every day for at least 30 minutes, so I don't forget anything but sometimes I have so little time that I can't use it for several days. I like it because when I play songs with my own hands, I feel re...